• 6198046E
  • The electric concrete vibrator is driven by a high-frequency motor. Mae'n berthnasol i goncrit cast yn y fan a'r lle o drawstiau a cholofnau parod o wahanol bontydd, twneli a sylfeini adeiladu, ac mae'n offeryn anhepgor mewn adeiladu concrit.

  • Mae Vibrator Backpack Powered Gasoline deinamig yn cael ei bweru gan injan Honda GX-35, gyda phwer cryf a chynnal a chadw syml. The maximum speed of the engine reaches 10000 rpm, effectively eliminating bubbles and hollows in the concrete, and greatly improving the strength of the concrete.

  • Dynamic water pump can be equipped with Honda gasoline engine or motor (different voltages can be customized), light weight, strong water absorption, and can work normally in turbid sewage. Mae'r pibell wedi'i gwneud o ddeunydd cryfder uchel fel pocer dirgrynol concrit, sy'n gwrthsefyll puncture ac sydd â bywyd gwasanaeth hir.

  • Integredigdirgrynwr amledd uchel

    Gellir addasu foltedd 100-400V.
